
Historical Data
Continuous Monitoring
Monthly - $2.50
Historical Data

We pull the last 12 months of usage information and billing data. In certain utilities, we may be able to pull up to 24 months of utility meter data.

Continuous Monitoring - Automatic

Instapull automatically refreshes your data monthly or on a schedule that you select (see below).

Monthly Monitoring - $2.50
Weekly Monitoring - $9.50
Daily Monitoring - $23.00

Continuous Monitoring - Manual

You can refresh manually for $3 per meter-month.

Prepaid Option
Historical Data
(per Meter)
Per Collection Pay as you go $50 prepaid $250 prepaid $1,000 prepaid $3,000 prepaid
Historical Collections $8.00 $7.50 $7.00 $6.75 $6.50
Prepaid Option
Continuous Monitoring
(per Meter)
Per Collection Pay as you go $50 prepaid $250 prepaid $1,000 prepaid $3,000 prepaid
Monthly Pulls
(Auto or Manual)
$2.50 $2.35 $2.25 $2.05 $1.90
Weekly Pulls $9.50 $8.90 $8.40 $7.90 $7.30
Daily Pulls $23.00 $22.00 $20.50 $19.50 $18.00